Sen. Sal DiDomenico has been chosen by the National Council of State Governments to serve on their 2021-22 Healthy States National Task Force. This is a bipartisan group of state leaders from all three branches of government tasked with providing resources and recommendations for state governments on how to best address current state challenges, including those resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Members include State Senators, State Representatives, Lieutenant Governors, Secretaries of State and Judges from throughout the United States and U.S. Territories. The National Task Force will focus on four key policy areas during this two year process to provide states a holistic policy strategy for their shared challenges.
“It’s an honor to be chosen to serve on this CSG National Task Force that will gather ideas and research to provide steps for states to come out of the pandemic and improve the overall health of our nation,” said Senate Assistant Majority Leader DiDomenico. “This is a great opportunity to serve with colleagues from throughout the United States and bring the proven models we have used in Massachusetts to the national stage. It is great to share our successes with other parts of the country.”
The CSG Healthy States National Task Force will convene throughout 2021 and 2022, to discuss and deliberate about the opportunities and policy practices that can collectively improve state health. Senator DiDomenico has also been appointed to the Civic Health Subcommittee on the Task Force which will explore policies that build strong communities and support meaningful civic engagement where states have the greatest nexus of influence, such as voting, civic education and participation, and increasing public trust and interface with government. The full task force will also be meeting in Sante Fe, New Mexico this Fall during the Council of States Government National meeting. Founded in 1933, the Council of State Governments is the nation’s largest nonpartisan organization serving every branch of elected office.