City leaders have reached out to all cable and Internet providers this week to call on them for a promise not to disconnect any Everett residents for the inability to pay their current bills.
In an open letter from Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Council President Rosa DiFlorio, State Rep. Joe McGonagle and Sen. Sal DiDomenico, the group stressed the importance of phone, internet and cable service during this pandemic. Like other utilities, they are asking that providers of phone, internet and cable also not shut off service.
“We are writing to all of you on behalf of the people of the City of Everett:
You are the providers of the basic infrastructure that society has become dependent on, its skeleton and blood,” read the letter. “During this crisis your roles have become even more crucial, vital to not only our citizens’ comfort and wellbeing, but to their health and the health of our city. All of us are going to need you to rise to this challenge.”
The action they asked for was to have all providers agree to discontinue all disconnections for non-payment – particularly since it provides a connection for children to schooling and for adults to work remotely.
“It only makes common sense that utility companies would consider its customers during these tying times and continue to provide the most basic services to all of us,” they wrote. “These basic services would include but are not limited internet capabilities for remote learning for our children or transacting business for individuals to remain employed.”
Utility providers did receive the letter and are in communication with City officials.