Everett COVID-19 Update 3/18/20

Everett COVID-19 Update – March 18. 2020

Everett Public Schools
Priya Tahiliani – Superintendent of Schools – [email protected]
• All-important updates regarding the Everett Public Schools will be posted on the main EPS site including translations of essential information. The Everett Public Schools are providing meals-to-go Monday-Friday from 11am-1pm at Everett High School. Beginning Monday, March 23rd,these services will also be provided at the Whittier School. Everett families can elect to stay in their cars or walk up to grab meals.
• Distance learning information has been distributed to students and also posted on the EPS site with information on the iReady platform along with free online resources so that students can continue to learn. Supplemental enrichment packets are printed and also available for parents and students to pick up during meal distribution. We will be providing access to online learning platforms that can provide extra support for students that are on IEPs.
• The Commissioner will be providing guidance regarding AP testing, MCAS, SATs, support for students with IEPs, term grades, graduation, etc.
• Central Office Staff are working remotely. On Friday, they will be receiving a calendar of daily video meetings as well as a project tracker that will outline the work to be completed.
• The Everett Public Schools are collaborating with the Everett Teachers Association on how teachers can be consistently providing supplemental learning experiences to students throughout the district.
• Whitsons workers who are supporting with the food distribution will be paid. We are working with the Commissioner as he will be providing guidance around payment of hourly employees and outside vendors.

Constituent Services/311
Director – Chad Luongo [email protected] | dial:311
• Constituent Services is fully staffed during this time receiving calls remotely during normal City Hall business hours. This office will be staffed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 8am-8pm with 2 Specialists on each shift. We are responding to constituents’ issues as they arise during this time and coordinating with the proper departments to ensure that their issues are dealt with timely and properly.

Everett Public Libraries
Interim Director Matt Lattanzi – [email protected] | (857) 363-1794
• The physical branches of the Library, both the Parlin and the Shute, are closed to the public. During this time, Librarians are researching program ideas (both crafting ideas for those conducted internally as well as researching/contacting vendors for those programs conducted by an external party at the Library) as well as assembling their weekly book orders.

What can our Patrons still do while the Library is closed?
• Patrons can still access our Overdrive system (https://noble.overdrive.com/) where they can access the entire North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE) collection of e-books and audio books. When a patron wishes to choose a title, they simply click on the “Borrow” link. When they are directed to sign-in, they need to click on the “NOBLE Library Patrons” option from the drop-down menu (the first option) and input their Everett Public Libraries card number, which can be found on the back of their physical Library Card.
• Patrons can access many of our online databases (https://www.noblenet.org/everett/dbases.html) while the buildings are closed.
• For those who do not currently have a Library Card for the Everett Public Libraries but wish to access Overdrive, The Boston Public Libraries enables any person who lives in or owns property in Massachusetts to register for an e-card from BPL by following this link: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4197886/eCard-Registration. By registering, Patrons will also be given access to BPL’s other online resources.
• There are many resources that can be utilized during this time outside of the Library which foster the goal and vision we at the Everett Public Libraries hold of “instill[ing] a love of reading and learning in children and adults by providing access to the world of ideas and information.” Below, please find a couple links that will assist us to achieve this goal during these difficult times.
o https://bookriot.com/2020/03/16/kidlit-authors-stepping-up-during-the-covid-19-crisis-and-quarantine/ – This website provides a few methods for people, particularly children, to stay engaged while they are kept home from school. Some links will bring you to children’s authors reading their books on their YouTube or Instagram pages and others provide for more hands-on engagement such as drawing lessons and art-and-crafts ideas.
o https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f – TumbleBooks offers online databases which patrons can use from the safety of their own homes. Catered to children, some of their offerings include animated talking picture books, read-alongs, ebooks, quizzes, lesson plans, and educational games which are used in schools and libraries in over 100 countries around the world. Click on the links below to directly access each of their databases, with requisite log-in credentials already inputted for our Patrons
 https://www.tumblemath.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6 – K-6 math ebook database
 https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/auto_login.aspx?U=tumble735&P=books – K-6 children’s ebook database
 https://www.teenbookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6 – Grades 7-12 ebook database
 https://www.audiobookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6 – all ages audiobook database

Everett Police Department
Chief of Police, Steven A. Mazzie, [email protected]
• The Everett Police Department is still open 24/7/365 and remains business as usual with reducing close contact whenever possible and not doing heavy enforcement actions as we monitor the course of the disease. Operations are running at 100%. We will remain monitoring parks, playgrounds and licensed establishments to ensure compliance with social distancing and general safety measures as well as assisting at Everett High School for meal distribution and other meals for seniors. The court systems are shut down but the Police Department is working on sending those that can’t be released to the Middlesex Sheriff’s Department.

Everett Fire Department
Fire Chief Anthony Carli – [email protected]
Deputy Fire Chief Scott Dalrymple – [email protected]
617-394-2349 non-emergency
• The Everett Fire Department continues to respond to any and all emergencies 24/7 with our emergency personnel ready to assist citizens. Our Fire Prevention division are still doing critical inspections and issuing permits remotely. If anyone has a Fire Prevention question about what we can or cannot perform, I encourage them to reach out to our non-emergency number listed above. We are also working with the City’s Facilities Maintenance division to formulate a strategic approach to sanitize all of the City’s buildings before resuming regular operations.

Purchasing Department
Rob Moreschi, [email protected] | 617-294-913
• The Purchasing Department continues to approve all purchase orders needed to issue payment to vendors who have previously provided services and require payment to the City of Everett. The bid opening process is under evaluation due to the fact that the opening of bids require the process to be public. Any new bids will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the priority and process. There will be no interruption to the process of getting contracts signed, where needed, due to the fact that we have moved to an electronic signature platform called DocuSign.

Assessors Office
B.J. Devereux, Assessor [email protected] | 617-394-2209
• The Assessor’s Office is active and responding to tax payer emails, phone calls and abating excise tax bills from customers with the ability to email us the information. This office is available to answer questions and concerns at any time.

City Clerk’s Office
Sergio Cornelio, City Clerk. [email protected] | 617-981-0687
• The City Clerk’s office is currently registering and releasing burial permits. The Clerk is yielding calls and receiving emails to answer questions as best as he can and will forward all questions that come in to the respective departments as needed. The Clerk’s Office will be referring residents that need birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage certificates to the State Vital Records Division so they can obtain certificates while City Hall is closed. The Clerk’s Office will continue to work with both the City Councilors and the Administration to see what else the Office can handle remotely during the shutdown.

City Engineering Office
Greg St. Louis, PE – Engineering Director
[email protected]
(617) 394 -2251
Julius O’Furie – City Engineer
[email protected]
• The Engineering Office continues to supervise ongoing construction projects throughout the City. We are advancing the design and permitting of capital construction projects to improve coastal resiliency, reducing flooding risks, improve roadways and utilities. We are limiting the number of utility excavation projects as to not create additional hardships on our residents at this time; however, we continue to accommodate individual projects on a case-by-case basis with individual contractors and constituents. We are working both remotely and in the field during this pandemic with ongoing email access.

Public Works
Greg St. Louis, PE – Public Works Director
[email protected]
(617) 394 – 2270 or call 311
Kevin Noonan – Operations Manager
[email protected]
• Department of Public Works is responsible for a variety of City services including the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste, snow removal, plowing and sanding, street sweeping, upkeep and repairs to sidewalks and streets, maintenance of parks and playground, city-wide tree maintenance and planting, anti-graffiti efforts, pavement marking maintenance, signage and traffic signalization, storm water system maintenance and drainage repairs, and the maintenance of Glenwood Cemetery.
• Based upon guidance from the CDC and the Governor’s Office, we have closed All Parks at this time. Please contact your local recreation manager for revised postponed scheduling accordingly.
• While Cemetery Interment Services Continue to operate, we ask that parties limit attendance to family only in accordance with the restrictions on gatherings of less than 25 individuals.
• The Sanitation Division is currently allowing Overflow Bags to be Placed Neatly Curbside.
• Street Sweeping officially to begin April 1. To ease the burden of the residents during the street-sweeping season, the Mayor will continue his practice of strictly handing out warnings for the first two-weeks of street-sweeping as a leniency measure. Towing for violations will not occur until May 1. This leniency period will be re-assessed as the date approaches based on the ongoing health-emergency.
o It is important to note that there cannot be an over-abundance of leniency for such enforcement actions, as overcrowded streets impede access to residents and disables street sweeping from properly occurring. Without street sweeping, the culverts can become overburdened, which can result in serious issues City-wide.
• We continue to work closely with the Mayor’s 311 Office on City-wide work orders regarding pot holes, trash and recycling, trees, and sidewalks.

Elections Department
Linda Angiolillo, Executive Director – [email protected]
• Candidates running for office in the September 1st State Primary have until April 28th to turn in nomination papers to be certified. This office is available to meet anyone wishing to drop off papers. Please contact via email. Additionally, papers can be mailed to Everett City Hall.

Water Department
Ernie Lariviere Water Superintendent – [email protected] | 617-394-2387
• The Water Department is responding to all water and sewer emergencies. They continue to take weekly water samples to ensure the water is at the highest quality for public consumption. We are processing final water reads remotely and continue to make the critical consumption calls to our residents with unusually high usage.

Facility Maintenance Department
Director – George Lane [email protected] | 617-304-7940
• Facilities and Maintenance have disinfected and cleaned all closed buildings. All janitors are working in pairs to continuously disinfect and clean the buildings that are open. This Department was able to obtain a great supply of products to keep up with the increased cleaning needs. The Health Department has provided Facilities and Maintenance the proper protocol for cleaning and disinfecting and they will continue this course of action. Due to the equipment for complete electro static spraying being made in China, all orders are on back order; however, the City of Everett had ordered the equipment and products early in this crisis and our shipment of sanitizer chemicals will be arriving early next week. We will also be receiving two of the hand-held sprayers late next week and two backpack models soon after.
• Facilities has met with Everett Fire Chief Tony Carli and his Hazmat Officer Nick Russo to discuss complete sanitization of all buildings. The Everett Fire Department was supplied with a Electro Static backpack model. We will have plenty of equipment and will work in tandem with the Chief and his trained personnel to ensure complete sanitizing of all areas that are used by the Public and Employees of the City of Everett. Additionally, Facilities and Maintenance will be assisting the Everett School Department to ensure 100% sanitation of all school buildings.

The Connolly Center
Program Coordinator – Dale Palma [email protected] | 617.394.2323
• The Connolly Center is responding to calls and assessing the immediate needs of our seniors. In conjunction with ISD, they are providing meal delivery to those seniors in need. Any senior who needs a meal delivered, please email or call Dale.

Department of Planning & Development
Director of Planning & Development, Tony Sousa, [email protected] | 617-394-2245.
• The Department of Planning & Development is responding to all calls and emails. With respect to meetings of Boards and Commissions (Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Cultural Council, & Everett Redevelopment Authority), we are working closely with the City Clerk’s Office on this matter. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board is April 13th(logistics to be determined). Please refer to the City’s website for updates. Staff contact information for boards, commissions, programs, and services are listed below.
 Planning Board:
• Tony Sousa, tel: 617-394-2245, email: [email protected]
• Shane O’Brien: 617-944-0236, email: shane.o’[email protected]
 Conservation Commission:
• Rachel Kelly, tel: 617-394-5004, email: [email protected]
 Everett Redevelopment Authority:
• Tony Sousa, tel: 617-394-2245, email: [email protected]
• Tess Kohanski: 617-944-0255, email: [email protected]
 Everett Cultural Council:
• Maria Josefson: 617-544-6032, email: [email protected]

 Housing Rehabilitation Program, & CDBG Social Services:
• Diane Hansen: 617-542-3300 ext. 301, email: [email protected]
• Al Borgonzi, tel: 617-394-2313, email: [email protected]
 Economic Development:
• Tess Kohanski: 617-944-0255, email: [email protected]
 Transportation:
• Jay Monty, tel: 617-544-6033, email: [email protected]
 Geographic Information System (GIS):
• Maria Josefson: 617-544-6032, email: [email protected]
 Vendors, Records, and General Inquiries:
• Tony Sousa, tel: 617-394-2245, email: [email protected]
• Jeannie Vitukevich: 617-394-2334, [email protected]

Inspectional Services Department/Permitting
Director – James Soper [email protected] | 617-394-2220.
• Inspectors will be operating on a regular business schedule. Rough inspections for Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Gas permits are proceeding normally; however, we are asking to limit contact during the inspection. Final Inspections are being prioritized to accommodate issuance of occupancy permits. All of the above mentioned permits are available on-line with payment by credit card. We are actively seeking out those contractors who have chosen to work without permits.
• Sanitary Code Enforcement inspectors are prioritizing inspections within dwelling units relating to eminent danger and life safety. All inspections involving the exterior of dwellings; nuisances, trash and structural elements are being conducted regularly. Minor infractions and Habitability inspections within dwelling units have been curtailed to reduce exposure. We have stepped up our inspection and educational efforts with all restaurants and liquor establishments (consumption on premise) notifying each of Governor Baker’s orders. Our Serve Safe Certified sanitary inspectors have been delivering food to the elderly daily in conjunction with the Senior Center.
• The Clerical staff is mobilized with VPN access and is servicing customers in collaboration with members of the inspection teams. All phone calls coming into the office are being routed to the applicable inspector(s). Staff is returning calls for customer inquiries, answering questions and directing them in the use of our web portal. 311 Calls are followed up on as if the building was fully operational. All licensing (Food, CV, and Entertainment) applications and questions are being handled without delay and preparations are being made for license renew (2020). Demand letters for ticket payments are being processed (VPN), printed in office and sent daily. Paypal (credit card) reconciliation will happen weekly in conjunction with Treasurer’s Office. Daily conference calls are being held with the Clerical Staff to facilitate production. Zoning Board and Licensing Board ads, notifications, agendas and minutes continue to be a priority. We have been receiving and sending documents via email to our development community.
• The Wire Dept. is fully operational, responding to any street or traffic lighting issues as well as continuing to make improvements in municipal buildings. A work order system has been set up by Rich Connors to allow members of the City Government to request repairs and improvements. The Dept. recently took delivery of a new bucket truck to allow for replacement and repairs of street lighting.

Kevin Dorgan – Director of IT [email protected] | (617) 394-2289
• The IT Department has worked closely with every department and employee to rapidly transition our workforce to being able to carry out all functions of City Hall without physically being in City Hall, without compromising network or data security.
Mayor DeMaria was way ahead of the curve on this mandate for social distancing, realizing that this must be done before virtually any other city had even contemplated this being necessary, and that it must be done immediately to be effective. IT managed to get all employees responsible for vital services working remotely by the beginning of our next business day, and by the end of that day all employees in every department were able to carry out their responsibilities from home. This includes Constituent Services, who are able to take, log and process calls to 311 remotely, providing uninterrupted information to city residents. At this time all daily functions of City Hall are up and running.
• Very soon we will be able to allow the City Council to conduct sessions remotely (fully compliant with open meeting laws), making Everett fully operational in every respect, while maintaining the social distancing the Mayor has envisioned.
Auditor’s Office
Eric Demas, City Auditor [email protected] 617-394-2214
• The Auditor’s office continues to process payroll checks and critical vendor payments. They are currently working on a more long-term solution to expand our ability to process more vendor checks. All requests will continue to be addressed in a timely manner.

Health Department
Director Health and Human Services Jerry Navarra [email protected] 617-784-7718
Public Health Nurse – Sabrina Firicano – [email protected] | 857-888-0723
• The Health Department has been working very closely with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to monitor residents that have been exposed to COVID-19. If you feel sick with a fever or dry cough, or other flu-like symptoms, call your primary care provider. Always tell your medical provider if you have been in contact with someone with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. Cambridge Health Alliance patients in regards to Drive-Thru Testing https://www.challiance.org/about/newsroom/cambridge_health_alliance_to_provide_covid19_testi_1178

Veterans Services Department
Jeanne M. Cristiano, Director of Veterans Services
[email protected] | 617-394-2321
• The Veterans Services Department continues to respond electronically as well as via telephone to any requests from Veterans and families of Veterans for M.G.L. Chapter 115 Assistance, requests from Veterans and families of Veterans seeking assistance in applying for Federal VA Benefits, such as service connected compensation, non-service connected pensions, Aid and Attendance Pensions, etc. Guidance has been received from the MA Department of Veterans Services that streamlines the Chapter 115 process to approve applications for benefits without first obtaining DVS preapproval for the next 60 days with respect to COVID-19. In addition, the MA Department of Veterans Services has provided the Everett Veterans Office with an online tool to connect with Military and Veteran families looking for assistance to apply for M.G.L. Chapter 115 benefits during this suspension of all face-to-face meetings with clients. https://massvetben.org/

Human Resources Department
Director of HR – Lara W. Ammouri, [email protected]
• We are operating remotely and fully accessible by e-mail. We are responding to inquiries regarding employee issues and concerns (employment, health insurance, voluntary benefits, etc.) and inquiries from the public as applicable. We are using Zoom to conference with the neighboring communities and prepare for the Mayor’s Summer Youth Program which hopefully will kick off as planned in June. We are also communicating with job applicants as to the status of their applications. We are supporting all staff and departments on coordinating all efforts and directives from the Administration during this time.

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