Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. and the Everett Health Department announce the first H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine Clinic to be held on Saturday Nov.28, 2009 from 9 -11a.m. at the Lafayette School, 117 Edith St. Everett. This clinic is available for Everett residents only.
As recommended by the Federal Government priority will be given to children 10 years to 18 years of age, pregnant women up to two weeks post partum, household contacts of infants younger than six months of age, household contacts of pregnant women in their third trimester to ensure their newborns go home to a safe environment, and Healthcare personnel with direct patient contact.
Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
If you have any questions regarding this clinic please call the Health Department at 617-394-2255.
The health department will offer additional clinics as more vaccine becomes available.
Please note do not get the vaccine if you have an anaphylactic reaction to eggs or any other components of the vaccine.
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