Anthony DiPierro, Candidate for Ward Three City Councilor, has announced the endorsement of Former Mayor David Ragucci. Ragucci served as Everett’s Mayor from 1998-2006 and previously served on Everett’s Common Council and Board of Alderman. The endorsement is a major boost to DiPierro’s campaign for City Council as election season heats up in Everett.
“I’ve watched Anthony grow up and I’ve seen him work hard to overcome many of the unique hurdles our children face in this community”, said Ragucci. “Anthony is a consensus builder. He doesn’t play politics. He’s a person of reason who does what is right for our community”, Ragucci added.
In a time where politics of division seek to disunify our City and halt progress, Anthony DiPierro understands that civility and respectful collaboration is how we get the best results for the people who live and work throughout our neighborhoods.
“I’m fortunate to call Mayor Ragucci a mentor and to have earned his support”, said DiPierro. “He listens before he speaks and always offers an intriguing perspective on current issues facing our City. Having served in City Government for many years, he knows that working together is the only way to keep our City moving forward”, DiPierro added.
Anthony DiPierro is running to be your Ward Three Councilor to ensure our neighborhood gets
the very best from City Government and the attention it deserves. He remains committed to making sure your voice is listened to, your concerns are brought forward and Everett remains an inclusive community where everyone is heard.To learn more about Anthony’s campaign for City Council, visit