The Everett City Council approved another three-year term for Chief Steve Mazzie on Monday night, after Mayor

Police Chief Steve Mazzie was sworn in by City Clerk Sergio Cornelio on Monday night, beginning a new, three-year term for the chief.
Carlo DeMaria had appointed him to another term.
“I still have a passion for the job,” said Mazzie, 50, after being appointed Monday. “I appreciate the opportunity to continue in the job. We have a good team in place.”
In his coming term, Mazzie will also be faced with ensuring public safety for the new Encore Boston Harbor casino, which opens this coming June. That will be a major shift for the department, and is one that the Chief has been preparing for in brining on new officers over the last two years.
“We’re seeing some of the biggest changes we’ve ever seen in the City and we’ll play a big role in ensuring public safety for everyone, whether residents who live here or visitors to our city,” he said.
Mayor Carlo DeMaria said he was proud to re-appoint the chief for another three years during a very exciting time in the City’s history.
“The depth of knowledge and experience that Chief Mazzie has is beneficial to the Everett Police Department, City Hall and Everett as a whole,” said the mayor. “That is why I have re-appointed him to the position of Chief of Police. I’m confident that he will continue to work towards making Everett one of the safest and most secure urban communities around. I’m proud to endorse him and the direction our city is heading.”
Mazzie will begin his 16th year as chief in January, having taken the reins in January 2003.
Mazzie’s father is a retired patrolman from the EPD, and his late grandfather was also a patrolman.
He also has two brothers and a sister that are part of the Everett Police Department as well.