Three powerful partners announced this week that they have filed a Motion to Participate within the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) appeal hearing on the decision to require National Grid to build and maintain a pathway on its property abutting the Malden River.
The decision by DEP came earlier in the summer and required National Grid to build and maintain a pathway along the Malden River, a decision that fortified the momentum of the Malden River Greenway Plan and unlocked a key piece of waterfront land that had been closed to the public for a century.
National Grid appealed that decision saying it would cost too much money, but now the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) has called to be an official part of the process – speaking in favor of the DEP decision.
They will join the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyWRA) and the Friends of the Malden River within their partnership under the single motion.
CLF Staff Attorney Heather Miller said they would make the request, and then would be informed about whether they will be allowed. If allowed, they could present in person or in written comments.
“We feel like it’s important to participate to protect our members and show our support for DEP’s decision,” she said. “We want to articulate why the DEP has the legal authority to require National Grid to provide this public access. We feel like we have a strong partnership of organizations…Our members live in the area and will be directly impacted by the decision. If denied these actions will be detrimental to their interests.”
There has been no dates set for the hearings regarding the appeal of the DEP decision, but something is expected on the calendar in the fall.