Axe Throwing Company Looking to Locate on Norman Street

By Seth Daniel

A national axe throwing company has been seeking to take out permits to open a location at 69 Norman St. near the SkyZone, according to City officials.

The Independent learned that an operations manager for Patriot Axe had been seeking a business certificate and had visited the mayor’s office recently in anticipation of signing a lease on Norman Street in the coming weeks.

City Clerk Sergio Cornelio said no axe throwing company had yet taken out any licenses or certificates in his office yet.

The idea was first announced last summer to the Independent by landlord Gerry Berberian, who said he was working on agreement to get the axe throwing outfit into an open space on Norman Street.

City officials said they have investigated the company due to initial concerns about safety and whether or not the company, if they open, would request a liquor license to go with the axe throwing activities.

Officials said there is already an axe throwing venue in Sharon, MA that operates recreational axe throwing with training, ranges and games. There are also leagues that operate and private parties usually as well.

The operations owner taking out a business certificate for Patriot Axe indicated it was set up much like bowling, but with axes and targets instead of bowling balls and pins.

In Sharon, there was no permitting required for the axe throwing venue to operate. City officials said there was also no real case law or Licensing Board reviews on file involving axe throwing companies.

They did learn that many of the venues already operating in the U.S. do have liquor licenses and serve food too – much like a bowling alley. City officials said they were interested to find out of the company would be requesting a liquor license if they open here.

Axe throwing is very new to the United States, but a very popular pastime in Canada, particularly in backyards. However, the popularity of the sport there has increased and so new venues have opened. The idea is just now sprouting in America, and is becoming more popular because – like bowling – it is a competitive game that can be enjoyed by all levels of participants.


Cutline –

The sport of competitive axe throwing, shown here, is set up much like bowling and is growing in popularity all over Canada and the U.S. One company is hoping to locate on Norman Street and may be ready to begin permitting soon.

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