By Peter A. Napolitano,Councilor at Large
As a City Councilor, I am often asked by our residents about the condition of our City and the state of the future. I have lived in Everett all my life and have never seen such unprecedented changes and development. The Wynn Boston Harbor project may have been the kick start but in hindsight, following the changes in the City Charter, our community has been better informed and prepared for the challenges ahead. A spirit of cooperation and team work between all segments of city government has been necessary as we transition to the future. A good example of this is the recent support and vote by the City Council and the Mayor to approve the transfer of badly needed funds to the School Department because of an unexpected change in State funding. We’re committed to working together.
So, what is the state of the City? Progress of the Wynn Boston Harbor development is continuing rapidly with over 4,500 jobs which include many Everett residents. Lower Broadway, once an area greatly overlooked in the past, will continue to evolve over the next several years to truly be the gateway to our community. Studies are being conducted to improve the quality of Everett Square by improving parking and encouraging new development to transform some of our older building to include residential spaces and new construction. The “envision” Hotel has opened on the Route 16, the Market Forge property is clear and ready for a developer and the MBTA Silver line will be running through Everett soon. Construction projects all over our streets may be a nuisance but are addressing both problems and enhancements that will extend the life of our power, gas and water services for many years. Many of our parks and playgrounds are being renovated and upgraded to provide a safe, fun atmosphere for everyone. The list goes on as both revenue and our property values continue to increase.
For the first time in recent memory, the Mayor, the City Council, the School Department and the School Committee are all on the same page. Like any team, it starts with a dream we all share of an affordable community that we can all be proud to live in. So, when I am asked, “Is Everett really on the move?”, my response is always the same, “Absolutely.” Have a great week.