On Saturday, December 13, my 14-year-old daughter and I went to Gateway Center where you can shop at Target, Old Navy and Bed Bath & Beyond. It was at 5 p.m. and the traffic snarl was something from a mass exodus movie. Cars were blocking entries to Target. You could not exit the Target parking lot to head to another part of the plaza. When I mentioned this to a clerk in Bed n Bath, she said it’s always like that and that the week before an ambulance could not get through the ensuing snarl.
I needed no persuading.
This is a dangerous situation and should be handled by the Everett Police. Many times I see traffic details when they are completely unnecessary. They were really needed the weekend of Dec. 13. In fact, I think the whole exit situation at Gateway Center should be reassessed.
It may be bigger than just a police detail.
Linda Heald
Jamaica Plain