Following the horrific and tragic events that took place December 14 in Newtown, CT, Superintendent of Everett Public Schools Frederick Foresteire said on Monday that every precaution is being taken to make sure that Everett’s children are as safe as possible and that security of the schools is priority number one.
“We take security seriously,” said the superintendent on Monday. “We always have. All of our door are locked from the outside during school hours, our staff and our custodians always check doors as they walk through the buildings during the day and our faculty and staff are fully trained in lock down and lock out procedures. Just like the staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School were trained.”
Superintendent Foresteire said that since the events of last Friday he has been in touch with Everett Police Chief Steve Mazzie and the city and the schools are cooperating on additional measures in the immediate future, to ensure that students, teachers and parents all feel safe.
Among the measures being taken this week are increased patrols around all schools, placement of all police on high alert during the coming week and the deployment of police at all school hosted and centered events this week, including those after school hours.
“This is a very busy week, every school has at least two events during the week, including the big concert at Everett High School and we’re going to have multiple police officers at every one of those events,” said Supt. Foresteire.
In addition, the superintendent noted that he met with all building principals on Monday morning and said that no incidents have been reported and there is no need, at this time, to activate the crisis team.
“We have counselors on site in the schools, who are ready, if needed or wanted, to help students feel safe and we have professional consultants on standby, who can come in and assist us if the need arises as well,” he added.