In past meetings, a resoIution was made by Alderman Robert Van Campen and Councilor Michael McLaughlin to establish a “blue ribbon” panel for the city of Everett. The panel, comprised of business leaders, community activists and elected officials, will focus on seeking out businesses wishing to do business in Greater Boston, and market Everett to them as a destination.
At last night’s meeting, Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. spoke on the issue. “We have been working on it,” DeMaria said. “It’s been difficult getting people’s schedules, but we’re trying to establish the committee…I’ve gone out and hired a couple of consultants to study certain areas of the city and do some visioning and planning.”
Mayor DeMaria mentioned access of Route 13, a train stop, and the Malden River as a few points that are being worked on. “We’re proactively trying to sell the city of Everett and trying to encourage good, solid families to move back to our community…We’re trying to encourage a change in the right direction.” he said.
Other neighboring towns have a serious planning office, and now Everett is catching up with some strong tactics. Mayor DeMaria highlighted how certain moves should be made in order to grow with a potential casino in the area, such as the easier access of Route 13 and a train stop in Everett.
“The rotaries are congested,” he said. “We need some help from our state officials to build infrastructure. I want to zone in on infrastructure,” he added. The proposed committee will explore any avenue that would aid in the positive growth of the city of Everett. Members on the Board of Aldermen agreed there needs to be a group promoting this kind of awareness campaign to highlight the city’s positive attributes to business owners looking to expand into Greater Boston. The “blue ribbon” panel is set to be in action soon, and was referred to the Mayor’s office.