Two new independent beer breweries, one already operating and a second brewery preparing to open in January, have brought a bit of panache to the expanding list of commercial businesses located in this city.
The new businesses will specialize in craft brews, specially brewed beers.
This bit of new business in the city is partly due to State Treasurer Steven Grossman, who is leading the charge to change arcane Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission rules and regulations about smaller breweries that allows them to operate.
Grossman is updating franchise laws that regulate the brewer-distributor relationship.
By doing so, independent brewers of craft beers will find it easier to navigate the difficulties that come with such entrepreneurial ventures.
Without an update of these laws, hundreds of jobs might be lost in the future.
Grossman is supporting changing the law which currently restricts smaller brewers in their distribution.
Larger brewers nearly own that right of distribution, which makes it difficult for smaller brewers to break in.
In any event, Grossman is certain to aid in the changes that are necessary for smaller brewers not only to exists but to prosper.
His good work will go a long way to helping the new brewers in Everett, which, arguably, is one of the most interesting new developments here in a good long time.