Upon hearing that corporate funding for the Exxon Mobil Green Team Summer Job Program was cut nationwide, Mayor Carlo DeMaria quickly put the call out to the City’s other corporate neighbor, Distrigas Suez with great success. The longstanding corporate neighbor offered a donation of $25,000 to keep the City’s Youth Summer Job Program in place. The Mayor also incorporated a $50,000 line item in the 2012 City Budget to help employ teens over the summer.
“We’re thrilled to have great neighbors in both Exxon and Distrigas,” said Mayor DeMaria, “Exxon basically came in and supported our summer jobs program for 2 years, I cannot thank them enough for their commitment to the city and helping our teens over the last 2 years. I am equally thankful that our friends at Distrigas Suez can offer support to keep the program going.”
This year’s summer job program will need the additional City funding in order to employ youth. The City Council begins deliberations on the Budget next week.
“I hope we can do something for these young people who want to work,” adds Mayor DeMaria, “last year, through the Exxon Program we hired over 40 teens, if we can do the same this year, it will be a big help for those teens going off to college – help pay for books or expenses, or give some additional job experience for those entering the workforce, a chance to put the City of Everett on their resume.”
The Mayor and the Human Resources Department are working the final details of the Summer Jobs program. Youth interested in working for the City can pickup applications at the Human Resources Department, Third Floor, City Hall.