-By Seth Daniel
For the Independent
Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. is very skilled at working political crowds and helping residents with concerns in Everett, but over the past week, he used those skills quite well across the city line in Revere.
DeMaria has run a successful Honey Dew Donuts on Squire Road in Revere for many years, and recently he put a plan in to renovate his shop and add a drive-thru in order to compete with other coffee shops in the area.
All seemed to be going well for Mayor DeMaria in advance of his Monday public hearing until he got a call from Revere City Councillors.
Revere’s Ward 6 Councillor Charlie Patch called DeMaria last weekend and indicated that there might be a problem with the project; that several abutters and neighbors weren’t enthralled with the idea of a drive-thru and increased traffic.
Even DeMaria’s landlord – who owns the property where the shop is located – came out against the project.
However, DeMaria hasn’t served two successful terms as mayor of Everett for nothing.
After hearing of the troubles, DeMaria went to work canvassing the Revere community, talking to neighbors and explaining his plan – perhaps making a few concessions along the way. He was even defending his plan right before his public hearing on Monday.
“Being mayor of Everett and a Common Council member for 20 years, I should have known better and should have had some neighborhood meeting and I apologize to my neighbors,” DeMaria told the Revere City Council Monday.
And of the handful of neighbors who had showed up with concerns, all was smoothed over by the time the hearing was over.
The matter was sent to a Council Committee for further review, and will most likely be acted upon favorably some time in the future.
The weekend blitz by DeMaria did impress his colleagues in Revere.
“I had to call my colleague, Mayor DeMaria, and tell him his proposal was in trouble,” said Revere Councillor Tony Zambuto. “He’s done his homework here and ran out there and, apparently, smoothed out all the concerns. I commend you for putting out all those fires. I didn’t think they could all be put out. You’re very good at it.”
Said Patch, “I can see now why you’re the mayor over there in Everett.”