On March 3, 2011, Christine Falzarano (above left), Vice President, and Heather Wetterneck (above right), Assistant Vice President and CRA Officer, of Eagle Bank presented Elizabeth Hart, Founder and Executive Director of Tailored for Success, with a check for $250.00 to support her work to help underprivileged and economically struggling individuals return to the workforce. Founded in 1999 and based in Malden, Tailored for Success distributes free interview appropriate business suits and career clothing and provides interview coaching and professional image consulting to a variety of clients from local social and human services organizations.
Eagle Bank, Everett’s first community bank founded in 1889, offers a wide range of retail consumer banking services, as well as a complete portfolio of commercial retail and lending products and services. As a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF), depositors’ funds are fully insured. For more information please call (800) BANK-EAGLE or visit us on the web at www.bankeagle.com.