Category: Editorials

The Mayor’s Race

Presently, it is Mayor Carlo DeMaria versus mayoral hopeful Peter Napolitano in what is easily the most important race for elective office in this city. By every standard of measure, this is a David versus Goliath affair, with Napolitano facing…

The City Budget

The final city budget has been approved. It is a solid document considering the trials and tribulations Everett is facing. The Everett city budget for Fiscal Year 2012 is $145.1 million, which includes the new enterprise fund for water and…

The Graduation Architect

The high school graduation, as usual, was a tremendous success. It was, as usual, highly orchestrated by the School Department. And it was, as usual, an event that touched the hearts of all the parents of the graduating seniors as…

The Bruins

This year’s Bruins have shown themselves to be a team of destiny. They will win the Stanley Cup Wednesday evening. Their commanding victory Monday night was a fait accompli for them. Now it is all about throwing away the record…

Thank You Distrigas

Last week, the city received a $25,000 check from Distrigas – which, by the way, is the city’s largest taxpayer. The check was given to the city to support Mayor Carlo DiMaria’s effort to employ as many Everett kids as…