Mayor Carlo DeMaria recently showed his support at an event for the new FORWARD bill that Governor Charlie Baker filed that will impact Everett residents.
The FORWARD bill will make $3.5 billion in investments in all cities and towns across Massachusetts and also strengthen state infrastructure and create jobs.
Mayor DeMaria said this funding will create many possibilities that the City of Everett and its residents deserve. The largest possibility the funding will create is constructing the Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge project that will better connect Everett and Somerville by creating another option for traveling over the river.
“It will provide a safe and equitable transportation network that supports Everett’s, Somerville’s, and the Commonwealth’s commitment to multi-modal transportation options, economic development, climate, and public health goals,” said DeMaria.
Another benefit the bicycle and pedestrian bridge will create is to allow the Northern Strand shared use path, which travels from Lynn to the Mystic River, to provide a transportation and recreation corridor that connects the communities of Everett, Malden, Revere, Saugus, and Lynn.
Four of the five communities along the Northern Strand are Gateway Cities – cities that lie just outside major tourist attractions – and all the communities, as well as Somerville, are Environmental Justice communities.
“The Mystic River Bridge project is an example of connecting communities through positive infrastructure that will build a better future for our respective and collective communities,” said DeMaria.
Mayor DeMaria said he is excited about the possibilities this funding, if passed, will bring to his hometown. He hopes that favorable action will be taken on this proposed bill. “There are few opportunities that present the chance for state and local leaders to come together and pave the way forward in ways that have the potential to help all residents. This is one of those moments, which is why I am looking forward to favorable action on this bill