Stephen Ramunno is an employee of the Police Department and has worked with the City of Everett for 5 years.
What do you do in the City?
“I am a Community Service Officer. As a Community Service Officer, my role falls under the umbrella of community services, youth resources, and school resources. Anything the City needs us to do, we do.”
What is your favorite part about working for the City?
“Being from Everett, born and raised here, I really enjoy being able to serve the community I very much call home.”
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your role?
“Over the course of the pandemic, I’ve learned that you can’t take anything for granted. Even in our tight-knit community, people here still need help and it’s nice to be in the position to do that.”
What do you like to do when you are not working?
“Spending time with my dog, family, and friends, going to the gym, doing yoga, and meditating.”