Letter to the Editor

MBA Charitable Foundation Social Media Campaign

To the Editor:

Thank you for all those who participated in the MBA Charitable Foundation Social Media Campaign. Your votes helped us distribute funds to various agencies who have worked endlessly in supporting those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic across the Commonwealth.

Each campaign awarded $5,000 to six organizations. All selected organizations received a base of $500 and we used your input and the general public to allocate the remaining $2,000. Here is a review of the September campaign:

•Boston Health Care for the Homeless – $550

•Bread of Life, $1,650

•Friends of Boston’s Homeless – $700

•Greater Boston Food Bank – $550

•Project Hope – $1,050

•Boston Resiliency Fund – $500

Daniel Forte


Bankers Association

Walk For Ersilia Virtual 5K is Grateful for All Contributions

To the Editor:

The Kiwanis Club of Everett in collaboration with the City of Everett, Carmine, Amata & Giuseppe Matarazzo and the Cataldo family thank all who participated in and supported the Walk For Ersilia Virtual 5K. Whether you walked, bought a raffle ticket or made a donation, please know we are grateful and that your contribution is making a difference. While this 2nd annual Walk honored the life of Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo, whose sincere commitment to help persons in need was an inspiration to us all, the Walk also sought to raise awareness of the horrific aspects of domestic violence. It is a problem that is difficult and disturbing to learn of but we believe domestic violence must be discussed openly so that our communities and caring citizens can do more to help those victimized, mostly women and children. 

Thank you to our sponsors who join us in this mission to help. Our Angel Sponsors fortify the way: EverettBank, Rocco Longo at Sabatino Insurance, Deb Fallon at Portal To Hope, Michele & Ed Bauer and Capitol Waste. Our Leadership Sponsors: Senator Sal DiDomenico and Mayor Carlo DeMaria. Our Principal Sponsors: Vin Panzini, Gianna D’Angelo, Marlene Zizza, Jim Mitchell and Metropolitan Credit Union. Our Directors: Joe Cataldo, Frank Mastrocola and Fred Cafasso.

All proceeds from the Walk For Ersilia benefit the Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Memorial Fund. This Fund provides 3 annual $1500 scholarships to Everett students, supports the Ersilia Stabilization Fund at Portal To Hope and this year has added support around food insecurity in our community.

Everett Kiwanis and the Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo Memorial Fund are 501(c)(3) charities. If you wish to make a donation, please send to Kiwanis Club of Everett, PO Box 490186, Everett, MA 02149 or call Marlene Zizza at 781-789-2121.

Everett Kiwanis Club

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