Rep. Joseph McGonagle testified before the Housing Committee about his bill H. 1306, An Act to further protect low-income tenants following termination of affordability restrictions.
Rep. McGonagle’s bill pertains to Section 7 of Chapter 40T of the Massachusetts General laws. Chapter 40T was designed to help both tenants and landlords by using publicly assisted buildings as affordable housing. In return for the landlord receiving the public funds, they must offer housing according to the affordability restrictions. However, after a certain period of time, these restrictions are terminated.
The current law of Section 7 under Chapter 40T, provides a three year leeway period where the rent can only be increased once annually. Rep. McGonagle’s bill differs slightly, by changing the three year leeway period to five years. This would give tenants more time to either adjust to the new cost of living, or in the worst case, finding other housing.
“Amidst our housing crisis,” said McGonagle, “it is crucial that we remember how difficult it is for low-income families to find and retain affordable housing, and thus we must grant them extra time to either adjust to the raise in rent, or find other affordable housing.”
Rep. Joseph McGonagle has served as the State Representative for the 28th Middlesex District, consisting of the City of Everett, since 2015. A Democrat, Rep. McGonagle is Vice-Chair for the Joint Committee on Housing, and also sits on the Joint Committee for Healthcare Financing and the Joint Committee for Transportation.