Councilors at Monday night’s Council meeting unanimously approved the appointment of eight new patrolmen to the Everett Police Department. The officers faced a packed audience to be sworn into public service by City Clerk Sergio Cornelio.
Andre Afonso, Nicholas Basteri, Bryan DaSilva, Carlos Flores, Kelsey Grenham, Sarah Nawoichik, Nicholas Stanfield and Daniel Wall took an oath to serve the City faithfully and to uphold the Constitution before posing for photos with their families and members of the administration.
The eight officers had just completed a six-month police academy and will be receiving their permanent assignments upon the completion of nine additional weeks of specialized training.
•Councilors were also united in their support of Council President Dell Isola’s proposal to reappoint Dorothy Martin Long to the position of Commissioner of the Election Department for a three-year term. Long received accolades from Council during the meeting for being the only Commissioner who is being reappointed after all of her colleagues on the Election Commission resigned.
Also, newly appointed to the Election Commission was Linda-Lee Angiolillo for a term of four years. According to its website, the Election Department promotes voter registration and engages the community in the electoral process. The Commission administers Campaign Finance Law for candidates and committees on the municipal level.