Gerly Adrien Releases Her Policies On Healthcare, Arts/Culture and Criminal Justice

Gerly Adrien, candidate for the 28th Middlesex District state representative, is passionate about improving Everett and uniting as a community. This will be the last week highlighting policy as we near the election date. Please remember, we need someone who will solve problems, not be a rubber stamper. Please check out the website, or give Adrien a call at 617-835-8267.

Last week, the campaign highlighted Economic Growth, Education and Emergency Response Plan. Below, we discuss Healthcare, Arts and Culture and Criminal Justice.

  • Healthcare: Gerly believes that healthcare is a right, not a privilege and that all Massachusetts should have access to quality, affordable healthcare. The coverage we have covers less and less. The rapidly rising cost of health care is consuming the state budget, reducing our already limited ability to fund other critical public goods like education, the environment, human services, infrastructure, and public safety.

Adrien will:

*Support guarantee coverage of essential health care services.

*Reduce the cost of care of drug prices and eliminating wasteful administrative costs.

*Expand safety net programs for the uninsured and underinsured.

*Support expansion of behavioral health and addiction treatment services.

  • Arts and Culture: Exposing arts and culture is very important in today’s worlds. We need to support our artists as they use their creative talents to share their gifts.

Adrien will be committed to bringing:

*Annual Arts and Culture Appreciation – highlighting arts, music and other cultures with their contributions.

*Funding art organizations and artists.

*Senior Legacy Program- an annual program for the community that allows seniors to pass our history to future generations.

*More support to arts into the curriculum for our students.

  • Criminal Justice: Adrien will work in Everett and with members of the community to address the drug and crime issues that have plagued the District for the past few years and threaten the safety and quality of life of its residents. Working together helps the whole community.

Adrien will fight to:

*Improve in-prison and post-release support.

*Increase GED passage rate and provide funding for classes and fees.

*Improve mental health care upon release.

*Invest in job training and interview skill programs for former offenders.

​Adrien is running to help Everett. She grew up in Everett and knows firsthand what it means to be part of the solutions on the issues. The democratic primary election date is Tuesday, September 4. If you will not be here on Election Day, vote today at City Hall via absentee ballots.

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