Gerly Adrien, candidate for the 28th Middlesex District State Representative, is passionate about improving Everett and uniting as a community.
Last week, the campaign highlighted improving efficiency and transparency. Below, the campaign discusses housing, seniors and transportation:
- Housing: Constantly rising real estate prices in the district and across the Commonwealth are a key driver of growing wealth inequality. Our current housing policy enables and encourages these rising prices, makes rents out of reach for the average resident, and shuts out an ever-growing portion of residents from the homeownership, a key source of wealth creation. These effects most dramatically hurt people of color, young professionals, and lower-to-middle-income families, and exacerbate economic injustice in the system. We must maintain and expand affordable housing options for low- and very low-income residents in our district, and recognize that “affordable housing” as defined by the State is now too expensive, even for many middle-income families.
Adrien will:
*Work to increase public housing funding, as well as investment in CDCs and nonprofits that build affordable housing.
*Create pathways to homeownership and create paths towards cooperative ownership.
*Work to ensure that new developments and public housing renovations do not displace low-income residents.
*Work with advocates who are fighting to prevent and end individual / family homelessness.
- Seniors: Seniors often face difficult financial decisions after they reach the age of retirement. From working to protect social security to fighting for quality health care, prescription drug coverage and housing for the elderly, Adrien is committed to making sure that seniors have the financial and medical resources to enjoy their golden years.
Adrien will:
*Work to make Everett senior housing a priority.
*Decrease property taxes for Seniors.
*Strengthen vital programs, as well as free transportation shuttles and other services to ensure that older people have the resources they need to stay healthy and active.
- Transportation: As someone who takes the MBTA daily, Adrien saidthe state needs to invest in our transportation system. Everyone deserves excellent modes of transportation, whether it’s biking, walking, driving, or public transit. Massachusetts needs investment that will serve all the people and must intentionally meet the needs of communities of color, youth, elders, and people with different disabilities.
Adrien will support:
*Investing in MBTA infrastructure.
*Creating more protected bike lanes.
*Ensuring all modes of transportation are physically accessible to everyone.
If anyone desires the full copy of the manual, please check out the campaign website or give Adrien a call at 617-835-8267, and one will be dropped off.
Adrien is running to help Everett. She grew up in Everett and knows firsthand what it means to be part of the solutions on the issues. The democratic primary election date is Tuesday, September 4, 2018.