The Parlin School STEM Night, an educational event filled with interactive experiments and hands-on discoveries, was a fun-filled success with students and their families.
Held on Thursday, Jan. 18, several companies joined students, parents, and educators for an exciting night focused on the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Among the participating companies and organizations were New England Aquarium, Reading Police Department, Women in Transportation, Dynamit via Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Zaniac.
The Parlin School Math Coach, Mr. Frederick Jannino and Math Inverventionist, Mrs. Ginny Dailey, led an art group activity on Tesselations, where lizards were colored and cut into a connecting pattern, while Mrs. Kerry Italiano, Math Interventionist, oversaw a fun and interactive Math Bingo game.
This was a free event open to all Parlin School students and parents. Students created a variety of structural and mobile objects, observed new medical technologies, took part in experiments, and broadened their knowledge about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
STEM night brought our school community together and lead to many students becoming more interested in scientific inquisition and discovery. Ms. Logan McMaster, Grade 6 Science teacher and Family STEM Night organizer noted, “This program was an amazing opportunity for students and built upon many of the engaging learning experiences seen in our Science classes.” Mrs. Janet Taylor, Assistant Principal, added, “These types of hands-on learning is a great extension of the skills learned in class, and showed students how much fun it can be to learn about Science.” Michael McLucas, principal, stated, “We appreciate the support and vision of our central administration and school committee, who allow for such events to take place in our schools that immerse our students into an academic culture that is connected to many careers of the future.”