Football seasons don’t come any better than the one achieved by The Everett Crimson Tide Pop Warner Patriot Division team. Undefeated. Greater Boston League champion. State champion. New England champion. National champion. Head coach Dennis Willcox’s Everett juggernaut won all…
Month: March 2015
Wynn Resorts Said to Have More Lower Broadway Properties under Control
Strong sources have revealed this week that several parcels of land on the west side of Lower Broadway have come under the control of Wynn Resorts, though the company is likely not interested in doing any further shopping. “Wynn has control of…
Commonwealth Conversations Tour
Sen. Sal DiDomenico hosted several state senators in Everett on Wednesday, March 4, during the Commonwealth Conversations tour that is being conducted in several senate districts. Everett High School (EHS) was the lunch stop for the daylong tour. The EHS Orchestra…
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Roast
Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash, Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, and Senator Sal DiDomenico pose for a picture during last Friday night’s annual DiDomenico St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Roast in Charlestown. While the…
Investigation Continues in Case of Underage Everett Woman Found Unconscious
Everett Police and investigators from Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan’s office continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the discovery of an 18-year old Everett woman, who was found unconscious in the cold early last Saturday morning. According to a report…
Wynn: Everett gives Diversification to Deal with Macau Downturn
When Wynn Everett executives presented a report on the company balance sheet to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) last September in the days leading up to the decision to award a license to the casino company, prominent on that sheet…
Police Briefs 03-11-2015
Monday, 2/23 Adilson Gomes DaSilva, 19, 21 Cook Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for possession of a Class D substance with Intent to distribute and with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Josiah Hill, 27, 21 Evelyn Rd., Everett, was arrested…
Mayor Demaria Announces Easter Spring Fling Event
Mayor Carlo DeMaria is happy to announce the City will be having an Easter Spring Fling event for children on Thursday, March 26th from 3-5pm. Everett families are welcome to come and visit with the Easter Bunny, have their picture…
City Seeks Candidate for School Nurse Positions
Mayor Carlo DeMaria and The Everett Health Department are currently seeking candidates for full time School Nurse positions. Candidates must be a Registered Nurse, currently licensed with the Massachusetts Board of Registration. A Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing is preferred. Candidates…
Letter to the Editor
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE CITIZENS OF EVERETT First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to the female student from Everett High School who was injured over the weekend as well as to her family. Within the past…