Scholarship recipient Jared Nelson poses with his family, from left are Jared’s mom Sheila Lee
Caldwell, Jared Nelson, grandparents James and Edith Lee, Aunt Dolly Tennell (seated), Aunt Tracy
Lee and Uncle Mark Lee.
Representatives from city government, the school department and the community’s faith-based organizations were all on hand Monday morning to congratulate Everett’s Jared Nelson for being named the recipient of the Scholarship from Zion Church Ministries and its 10th Annual Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast.
The event, held annually at the Edward Connolly Center on Chelsea Street, always draws a large crowd, but it is the diverse nature of attendees that sets this event apart from other community celebrations.
Nelson who said that he plans to attend Syracuse University in the fall, said that he was honored to be chosen as this year’s scholarship and plans to put the funds to good use at Syracuse, where he will study business and economics.
The featured speaker for this year’s breakfast was Sister Paula Maria Buley, IHM, who is the president of Rivier University in Nashua, NH.
“This is a really nice event, and I was honored to be asked to speak at it,” said Sister Buley. “I should also mention that Reverend Shearer is our vice president of student success and she is just a great representative for our university.”
Included in the audience for this year’s event were recently elected City Councilors John Hanlon, Joseph McGonagle, Fred Capone and Sal Sachetta, as well as Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire, school committee members Frank Parker Jr., Lester McLaughlin and Allen Panarese, along with several school department officials.
State Senator Sal DiDomenico and State Representative Wayne Matewsky were also on hand as invited guests.