If you are a voter in Everett, the next few months will be a busy time for you.
We agree with the opinion piece in today’s newspaper by Peter Napolitano urging voters to make the effort to vote in the following elections on US Senate, the vote on a casino in Everett and a possible US Congressional election if Congressman Ed Markey wins for US Senate. And voters should not forget the municipal primary in September as well as the election in November with many contested races.
None of these local elections are uncontested and will definitely determine the type of city that Everett will be for the next 25 years.
The summer months will be anything but restful for voters as candidates go door to door to meet the voters.
First up will be the proposed casino vote on Saturday, June 22.
While many of the local elected officials favor the casino, there is a group of local residents who are mounting an effort to oppose the location of the casino in Everett.
On last Thursday, Everett resident Evmorphia Stratis was a guest presenter at the forum held at Suffolk University on the pros and cons of casino gambling in Massachusetts.
Stratis was the most passionate of all the presenters as she outlined why the casino should not be built in Everett or in Massachusetts.
The forum also included remarks by State Gaming Commissioner Stephen Crosby who urges both opponents and proponents to use this time to make sure that the host community agreement has something for everyone.
As Crosby pointed out, like it or not there will be a casino built in the Boston area and now is the time to make sure that all concerns are addressed by all residents.
We urge all those who will be affected to make their concerns heard to local officials.
We should point out that the Suffolk Downs casino vote is starting to get bogged down in Boston politics. With Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who has favored only a referendum vote in East Boston for approval of the casino, leaving office in January, some of the mayoral candidates are calling for a citywide vote that would change the dynamics of the proposal being approved by Boston voters.
Wynn is already pulling out all the stops in his effort to build the casino in Everett as can be seen by his appearance in Everett on Friday.
In Everett, will the voters go for a casino here and by the margins that are acceptable to Wynn?
That is the question to be decided on June 22.