Mayor Carlo DeMaria this week submitted an ambitious multi-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to the city council that would cost the city $8,804,167 in FY 2014 if fully accepted and funded by the city council.
According to the CIP, the plan would be funded from a variety of sources including grants, available funds, free-cash, one-time appropriations and bonding. Other items could be funded through the annual appropriation as line item operating costs.
In total, the CIP calls for up to $5,710,767 in new bonding to finance the items proposed in the CIP.
The CIP is sure to be a major topic of conversation and debate between the Council and the administration, as Mayor DeMaria seeks to continue his stated goals of improving the quality of life in Everett and the efficiency of local government through investments in infrastructure and technology.
The Mayor’s CIP also calls for $1,039,400 in capital spending from available free cash, $1,604,000 in capital spending from ‘grants and other financial sources’, and $450,000 in capital spending built into the operating budget.
Among the major items that are proposed in the FY 2014 CIP are:
Telephone systems upgrade for $150,000, a new dump truck ($112,000), a new F-550 truck with hot top box for asphalt ($129,000), three (3) new vehicles for inspectional services, repairs/renovations at the Parlin School ($700,000), Roadway repairs ($650,00), a sidewalk plow and two bobcats with attachments ($254,000 combined), a new fire pumper truck ($600,000), school department white boards (district wide, $800,000) and more than $3.3 million in street and sidewalk repairs.
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