Staff from Eagle Bank and Whidden Hospital gathered at the hospital Monday for the bank’s annual donation of new clothing. Pictured are, front row from left: Renee Marshall, Eagle Bank Assistant Vice President Rosa DeCastro, Eagle Bank Vice President Gayle Lombardo, Whidden Hospital Administrator Deborah Murphy, Eagle Bank Business Development Officer Gisella DiPaola, Roberta Collins, Isaura DiSciullo and Deborah Ventresca; back row, Dan Randall, Jim Phillips, Martha Trachim, Jim Lavecchio and Fernando Gargano.
Members of the bank’s Business Development staff dropped off at the hospital a half-dozen bins filled with new winter clothing, which will be given to homeless patients who typically arrive with only the clothes they are wearing.
“There is a tremendous need,” said Whidden Hospital Administrator Deborah Murphy, explaining that the clothes will be distributed to people who come in through the emergency room and those who are preparing to be discharged. “This is a big help to many people.”
The new clothing – including jackets, shirts, hats, gloves, etc. – is purchased by Eagle Bank’s Business Development office. This marks the third year the bank has donated clothing to patients of the hospital.
“It’s nice to be able to help out where we know it will make a significant impact,” said Business Development Officer Gisella DiPaola, who coordinated the donation along with Rosa DeCastro, Assistant Vice President of Business Development; Gayle Lombardo, Vice President of Retail and Real Estate; Christine Falzarano, Community Development and Retirement Services Officer; Annarita Bottari, Branch Operations Officer; and Angela DiGiacomo, Business Development Officer.
Eagle Bank, Everett’s first community bank founded in 1889, offers a wide range of retail consumer banking services, as well as a complete portfolio of commercial retail and lending products and services. As a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF), depositors’ funds are fully insured. For more information please call (800) BANK-EAGLE or visit us on the web at www.bankeagle.com.