In accordance with the new City Charter, Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. officially submitted the Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal year 2014 to the City Council at a Joint Convention held on Monday, March 4th. The City Council will officially hold a public hearing within two weeks in order to hear favorable or unfavorable responses from the community at large. Copies of the package will be available online and will be available for viewing at the Parlin Library and the City Clerk’s office.
This year’s capital improvement package focuses on asset preservation, replacement of apparatus, and the continued improvement to City infrastructure. Projects include essential infrastructure updates, such as street and sidewalk reconstruction, the refurbishment of city-wide Tot Lots, and repairs to City buildings including City Hall, The Connolly Center, and the Recreation Center. Also in the Plan are significant equipment and vehicle purchases for City Services, ISD, Police, and Fire Departments, and long overdue City information technology upgrades for both hardware and software.
“This year’s Capital Improvement Plan pays attention to major expenses and updates necessary for the optimum operation of our City, such as equipment purchases and extensive improvements to existing facilities, land and infrastructure,” states Mayor DeMaria, “These improvement projects are essential in that they directly impact the future of Everett. By following this Plan we can create a city with improved appearance, increased property values, and first-rate facilities, equipment, and infrastructure; and most importantly, we can do so in a fiscally responsible way.”
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