By Cary Shuman
City Council President Robert Van Campen is expecting an update from Mayor Carlo DeMaria on the old Everett High School building at the Oct. 28 council meeting. “At our last meeting, I requested an update on the former high school and what the plans are for using the building for school purposes and the relocation of the non-educational uses at the high school,” said Van Campen.
“I also asked for an update on [the former] Pope John High School and what’s going to happen there.” Supt. of Schools William Hart has proposed that the old EHS building be used for a junior high academy that would house all seventh and eighth grade students, a move that would alleviate the overcrowding in schools throughout the city. That plan has been well received by the Council.
Van Campen noted there are only a few council meetings left for the year, with two scheduled for November and December. Van Campen has had a highly productive term as council president following his return to the council. Colleagues have praised his exceptional leadership of the 11-member board, keeping meetings cordial and on course. Asked if he would consider a run for re-election as council president, Van Campen replied, “I’ll be riding off into the sunset. My presidency will be over [after the final meeting in December]. Being president is usually a one-year term, and we rotate the presidency. I’m happy to do that. I don’t want to be a tradition-breaker.” Van Campen will continue his service on the Council as the Ward 5 councilor.