The Everett License Commission has been a lonely duo for the past year since member Brian McCarthy moved to the Election Commission.
However, the Board has now been made whole once again with a new appointment and a re-appointment approved by the City Council on Monday, Nov. 23.
Former Zoning Board member Michael Dantone has been made a new appointment to the License Board by Mayor Carlo DeMaria after suddenly being removed from the ZBA last August. Some postulated he was removed due to his public support of Councilor Michael McLaughlin for state representative over incumbent Joe McGonagle. However, Mayor DeMaria said that was not the case whatsoever, and was only part of his effort to reorganize Boards. Now, Dantone has found a new home on what has during COVID-19 become one of the most critical Boards in the City when it comes to enforcing COVID-19 state guidelines on licensed establishments.
Re-appointed to the Board was Phil Aloro for another term.
They will join long-time Chair Phil Antonelli to once again have a three-person Board to decide liquor licenses and COVID-19 guidelines and other licensing matters.
City Clerk Sergio Cornelio said the two members would likely be sworn in this week and would appear at the next meeting.