Encore Boston Harbor Invites Non-Profits to Reach Out for Gently Used Office Furniture Donations
Encore Boston Harbor is asking members on non-profits to reach out to them for donations of gently used office furniture to include desks, chairs, filing cabinets, tables and other items. Hundreds of pieces of furniture will be donated by Encore Boston Harbor to any charities who have a need for it. Beginning immediately, Encore Boston Harbor asks that interested non-profits and charities reach out to Encore Boston Harbor at 857-770-7000 to request information on furniture and items available for pickup and please ask for Beth Gibbons. All equipment and furniture must be picked up by the organization.
A list of the donated items available include: single cubicles, double cubicles, office chairs, office stools, long meeting tables and filing cabinets. Interested organizations must be able to provide a 501C3 to receive the furniture, free of charge. The pickup will take place starting this week through the end of the month.
Encore Boston Harbor is located at 1 Broadway in Everett, MA. For additional questions, please email Beth Gibbons at [email protected].
Child Safety Seat Night
In order for a child safety seat to work, it needs to be properly installed and probably used. The Everett Police child seat safety technician is available to assist parents and caretakers with ensuring the safety of children when traveling in a vehicle. This is a free service and takes just a few minutes and will be available Nov. 19, from 5-8 p.m. Children do not need to be present at the time. For more information contact the child seat safety technician by visiting EverettPoliceChildSafety.com or call/text/whatsapp (617)410-6176.
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City of Everett Traffic Advisory
Street milling and paving and sidewalk improvements.
Ferry Street, Carter Street, Dyer Avenue, Somerset Street, Whitter Drive Complex, Morris Street, and Lewis/Davis Street, Fuller Street and Belmont Place
Carter Street, Dyer Avenue, Somerset Street, and Whittier Drive Complex
Paving is scheduled for Thursday, November 19th and Friday, November 20th from 7am – 4pm
Morris Street and Lewis/Davis Street
Paving is scheduled for Thursday, November 19th and Friday, November 20th from 7am – 4pm
Crews are currently working to raise castings on Morris Street
Fuller Street
Ongoing sidewalk improvements
Belmont Place
Improvements are planned, but have yet to be scheduled
Senior Pantry Shopping Days
Mayor Carlo DeMaria and The Council on Aging sponsor Senior Pantry Shopping Days at The Connolly Center . Senior shopping will take place Thursdays for the month of December. The dates are December 3,10 & 17 by APPOINTMENT ONLY from 9am until noon.
Seniors, a limit of 10 per hour, will be escorted through The Connolly Center by a staff member in where the senior will be able to choose two bags of groceries. You must enter the rear door of the building, where there is handicapped parking .You must wear a mask, remain socially distant, and temperatures will be checked. This program is available to Everett Seniors aged 62 and over. For an appointment please call Dale or Margaret at 617.394.2323.