The owner of the Masonic Lodge building on Broadway has a hearing before the Historic Commission Thursday to discuss an application for historic tax credits to preserve part or all of the building.
The Masonic Lodge is a classic building located between City Hall and the Wellness Center building (Old Everett High), but has been in disrepair for a number of years – even having a ‘No Enter’ red ‘X’ on the outside to let the Fire Department know not to go in if on fire. However, with new plans for Everett Square and some excitement for the downtown brewing last year, Mani Farahani of Allston purchased the building. It was uncertain what he planned to do.
Now, with his application to the Historic Commission, plans for the development of the building are now coming public.
The plans for the building include 11 units of housing in a spacious and multi-level design that incorporates historic properties of the building – which was most recently used as a function hall and office for the Masons.
On the first floor, two of the five units spill into the basement of the structure for a multi-level unit configuration. On the second and third floor, all six units configure two stories of the building.
City Clerk Sergio Cornelio said the application is related to money available from the Secretary of State’s office for preserving historic buildings.
“If it’s not on the state Historic Register, you can tear it down, but if you want to keep it and maintain part of all of its historic nature, there are funds available,” he said.
Cornelio said the process includes applying to the local Historic Commission for review and vote. Then it goes back to the Secretary of State for review of the funding request.