Say ‘Thank You’ to the Front Line Workers
To the Editor,
As the week we have all been waiting for over the past few months has come. As the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enters into Phase One of the re-opening period. The time now is more important than ever that we say thank you to the men and women working on the front line at CHA Everett Hospital. These true heroes entered the building every day without question and did the unthinkable. They worked tirelessly day after day helping individuals regain life and seeing many of them come out of this to regain strength and recover. My family, friends and I stand strong in saying thank you to every Doctor, Nurse and Individual that calls the medical field there career. I am proud that our banner hung out front of CHA Everett for weeks throughout the pandemic thanking our true heroes.
Michael McLaughlin
Candidate for State Representative and Ward 6 councilor