On Monday, Sept. 9, the City Council kicked off its fall season by recognizing a number of city officials and citizens.
•Honored Veterans
Councilors passed a measure to dedicate the corner of Windsor and Bryant Streets to the memory of the late Fiorindo “Fred” Antonelli of Everett, who passed away on August 7 at the age of 76 after a short battle with cancer. Antonelli was a proud Italian-American and U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam.
The dedication was proposed by Councilor Michael McLaughlin, who knew Antonelli personally and called it “a huge honor” to dedicate the square in his name.
“He was a mentor and role model. All the young kids really looked up to him,” he said. “He was a citizen we should all strive to be.”
Councilor McLaughlin said that when Antonelli passed away, he stepped back to reflect on how best to honor the man who had immigrated from Italy at a young age and had lived his whole life in Everett, raising four children there and becoming a well-loved pillar in the community.
Specifically, he wanted to recognize Antonelli’s 23 years in the Army. Then he found out that the corner of Windsor and Bryant Streets, where Antonelli had lived for most of his life, had not been dedicated.
“I took it as a divine message that this was meant to be for him,” he said. “I am honored that we were able to do this for a man who contributed so much to his country and his community.”
The dedication of Fred Antonelli Square is scheduled to take place on October 5 during Italian-American Heritage Month.
•Councilors also approved a dedication at the corner of Whittier Drive and Proctor Road to another veteran, the late Enrico “Chuck” Miranda of Everett, who passed away in 2017. Miranda served as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II and was the recipient of several honors, including the WWII Victory Medal, the Good Conduct Medal and the Army Occupation Medal.
The dedication was the idea of Councilor Anthony DiPierro, who said that Miranda “served his country and this community with pride and distinction.”
•Police Department
The Everett Police Department welcomed two new Patrolmen, Joseph M. Basteri and Patrick Gryp. (Gryp was transferred from another department.) Officers Basteri and Gryp were sworn in by City Clerk Sergio Cornelio, where they promised to uphold the Constitution and to act in the best interest of Everett’s citizens. They then posed for photographs in the presence of friends and family.