In a surprise visit on July 13, Red Sox wives Erin Bradley (Jackie Bradley, Jr.), Lakyn Holt (Brock Holt), Tiffany Price (David Price), and Theresa Simunovic (girlfriend of Colten Brewer), stopped by the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program’s HER Saturday Clinic to assist with the program’s popular BINGO games, jewelry making and art projects, and also hand out Red Sox hats, sunglasses and flip-flops.
The HER (Health, Empowerment and Resources) Clinic is the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program’s only “women’s only” clinic, gathering between 70-120 homeless women each week.
Many homeless women avoid traditional clinics due to histories of domestic violence or fear of harassment. To bridge this gap, BHCHP will expand its successful HER Saturday (Health, Empowerment and Resources), a weekend clinic that provides a safe place for homeless women to receive medical and behavioral health care, health education, and opportunities to engage in enriching activities such as meditation, therapy dogs, and yoga. Since it was launched, this clinic has grown from serving 50 patients per week to averaging between 120-150 women. Many attendees have endured devastating trauma and exposure to threats and violence. This clinic not only serves as a trusted source of health care; it is also a refuge from the fears for their safety and a source of camaraderie.