The ‘E Club of Everett will hold its annual Scholarship Awards Dinner next week at which time eleven outstanding Everett High School students will receive scholarships to help defray the costs of their continuing education.
The dinner is always a great and festive event as all “E” Club functions are. Executive Director Vincent Ragucci Jr. and his board have kept this organization moving forward and helping our students while similar groups in other communities have disbanded through the years.
Superintendent of Schools Frederick Foresteire, and Assistant Superintendents of Schools Dr. Thomas Stella and Charles Obremski attend the event each year in support of the ‘E’ Club and recognize the high honor that each scholarship award represents. So many Everett students go on to attend the universities of their choice from an outstanding school system that is led so well by Mr. Foresteire, working in coordination with a dedicated staff of administrators, teachers, guidance counselors, and coaches at the high school.
John Francis Boy founded the ‘E’ Club of Everett in 1972. Current board members James A. Agnetta Jr., who coached the Everett High football team, and Armando Leo, remain in good standing as two of the original 17 charter members of the organization. Both of these community leaders will be in attendance at the dinner.
We say thank you to the ‘E’ Club of Everett for helping our students and carrying on the superior athletic and academic traditions for which Everett High School is known.