Alderman Michael Marchese on Monday night asked his fellow board members to join him in attempting to stem the activities surrounding an alleged sober house located at 13-15 Gladstone Street, directly across from the Whittier School, where suspected drug activity has been witnessed and reported by local residents.
“I don’t know how sober the people are who are living in that house,” said Marchese, launching into a broader attack on poorly run sober homes across the Everett community. “Whoever is doing the drug testing at this house doesn’t seem to be doing a good (job) of it.”
Marchese asked the board to support his request that the matter be referred to Mayor DeMaria and Chief of Police Steven Mazzie, in an attempt to crack down on the reported illegal activities at the house and to also ask the chief to compile a list of all sober homes operating in the city and their tenants living there, so they can be investigated.
“I think we need to hang a big ‘not welcome sign’ up for this kind of activity,” added Marchese.
Marchese did acknowledge the good work that happens at some sober homes and indicated that he has no issue with those homes that properly monitor and treat their tenants. However, he noted his concern with homes that are less vigilant and operating so close to schools and residential neighborhoods.
Marchese then amended his motion to include that letters be sent to State Representative Steven Smith and State Senator Sal DiDomenico, asking for their help with any legislative efforts that might help located similar types of facilities and residences away from schools, playgrounds and other similar environments.
The board supported Marchese’s motions unanimously.