Long-time Councilor-at-Large Michael Marchese topped the ticket in a 10-candidate field in the Nov. 7 municipal election.
Marchese, who is the current president of the Council, showed strength at the polls across the city while securing the top spot.
“I’m very grateful for the support of the voters,” said Marchese. “I look forward to continuing my work on the council with my colleagues that were re-elected and the new councilors that will be joining us on the Council in January.”
Councilor-at-Large Stephanie Smith was re-elected, finishing second. Guerline Alcy took the third spot in the election to earn a seat on the board. Katy Rogers, making an impressive first run for public office, was fourth. Councilor-at-Large John Hanlon took fifth place while being re-elected.
Re-elected to the City Council were Ward 1 Councilor Wayne Matewsky and Ward 2 Councilor Stephanie Martins. Elected to the Council were Anthony DiPierro (Ward 3), Holly Garcia (Ward 4), Robert Van Campen (Ward 5), and Peter Pietrantonio (Ward 6).
School Committee At-Large Election
Samantha Lambert finished first in the School Committee At-Large race to earn re-election to the board. Newcomer Samantha Hurley took the second spot, while Joseph LaMonica was re-elected in the third position.
School Committee Ward Election
Re-elected to the School Committee in the ward races were Jeanne M. Cristiano (Ward 3) and Marcony Almeida Barros (Ward 5). The newly elected members of the School Committee are Margaret Cornelio (Ward 1), Joanna Garren (Ward 2), Robin Babcock (Ward 4), and Joseph D’Onofrio (Ward 6).