News Coach Tony Ferullo Conducts Fun-Damentals Basketball Camp in Everett by Independent Staff • July 27, 2023 • 0 Comments The players in the older division of the FUN-damentals Basketball Camp are pictured with Camp Director Tony Ferullo and instructors and Mystic Valley Charter School basketball players Breana Mansamba, Bailey DeLeire, and Charlie Jankowski at the camp that was held in Everett. Coach Ferullo (right) is pictured with the Everett players who attended the camp (from left), Samuel Wanyama, Laura Rodriguez, Lucas Rodriguez, and Z’Andre Lopez. Mystic Valley Regional Charter School boys basketball coach and camp director Tony Ferullo and basketball players and instructors (from left) Breana Mansamba, Bailey DeLeire, and Charlie Jankowski are pictured at the annual FUN-damentals Basketball Camp that was held July 17-21 in Everett.