City Councilors heard about the three-year project for the reconstruction of Ferry Street from Rich Street on the Malden line to the Revere Beach Parkway, stretching more than 2.5 miles, and Elm Street from Ferry Street to Woodlawn Cemetery.
The $33 million project will include:
Full reconstruction of all pavements, sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs, and handicap ramps; an all-new drainage system that will reduce the likelihood of flooding during major storm events; new decorative street lighting; new traffic and pedestrian signals; replacement of the Chelsea/Ferry Street traffic signal with a small roundabout that will reduce traffic congestion at this intersection; reconstruction of Glendale Square, adding additional sidewalk space, outdoor dining space, bike lanes, and trees/landscaping; all-new water main infrastructure; and all-new gas main infrastructure (this work was already completed in 2020).
Erik Swanson, Director of Engineering, laid out the timetable to the councilors at Monday night’s meeting.
The project officially started on April 4 and will entail temporary water lines for the homes along the route. Smaller lines of six inches will replace the 10” water lines that exist presently and will be in use until the project is completed with a new 10-inch line.
Some councilors were concerned whether these smaller lines will provide sufficient water pressure in fighting a fire.
However, Scott Dalrymple, the Provisional Chief of the Everett Fire Department, assured the councilors that everyone feels confident that with another engine, sufficient water pressure would be available to fight a fire.
“This is a long time to complete,” Councilor Wayne Matewsky told his colleagues, adding, “I have concerns about residents and businesses.”
Councilors were told that this project is timed to have the smallest impact on residents and businesses.
Councilor Richard Dell Isola asked about overnight parking and was told that overnight parking will be allowed, as well as some work done at night in addition to work during the day. He also urged that city officials meet with residents after about five months to hear their views.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the project will be replacing all the lights at Chelsea St. and Ferry St. with a free flowing roundabout. Some councilors were skeptical about this design.
Councilor Michael Marchese noted that there is “a lot of underground utility work that will be going on.”
However, Matewsky seemed to speak for his colleagues when he said, “This is a much-needed project,” noting that it has been more than 40 years since Ferry Street has been extensively renovated. The federal government will provide $25M in funding and the City of Everett will pick up the remaining $8M.
On the city’s web page, Mayor Carlo DeMaria informed Everett citizens that, “Like all construction projects, this project will, at times, require some lane and road closures as well as other inconveniences to those who live and travel along Ferry and Elm Streets. The City and MassDOT will communicate with affected residents in advance of work being done near their property and provide means for any feedback or complaints during the construction process.
“The estimated time frame to complete this work is approximately three years, with work beginning this upcoming April through November of 2024. While this is a long period of time, it is expected that construction will occur in segments, meaning that individual portions of the roadways will be mostly affected for only one year of the project. We will communicate to you a more detailed schedule as it becomes available from MassDOT and the selected contractor.”
Residents are encouraged to go to the website, [email protected], for questions and concerns.