News traveled fast from Florida to Everett this week as Council President Wayne Matewsky reported had a major heart attack on March 18, and has been hospitalized at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale ever since.
The news was talked about intently throughout the City all weekend, and was officially announced Monday night at the City Council meeting – where a somber group of colleagues wished Matewsky the best as he fought for his life.
“As most all of us know by now, Council President Matewsky did suffer a heart attack last week so we are keeping him in our prayers and asking for a quick recovery,” said Councilor Anthony DiPierro at the outset of Monday’s meeting.
Matewksy was apparently visiting friends in Florida last week when he was hit with a massive heart attack that put him in the hospital immediately.
Reports from City officials over the weekend were grim, and Matewsky was fighting for his life. However, there was some good news by Tuesday when it appeared he might have made some progress in his condition.
The family has asked that everyone keep Council President Matewsky in their prayers for a recovery.