Council President Wayne Matewsky doled out Committee assignments last week, with most everyone finding a place on a Committee.
Matewsky has said under his leadership this year there will be fewer Committees of the Whole and more Committee meetings. He said he would rely on the Committee system to work out the details of issues, and that would hopefully shorten Council meetings and bring about better legislation in a more timely manner.
He announced five committees for the coming legislative year, with a revived Celebrations Committee still under consideration.
The Budget Committee will be chaired by Councilor Michael McLaughlin and co-chaired by Councilor Anthony DiPierro. All councilors will be members of this committee.
The Committee on Business and Development is to be chaired by Councilor Rosa DiFlorio and co-chaired by Councilor Michael Marchese. Members will be Councilors John Hanlon and Gerly Adrien.
The Government Operations and Public Safety Committee will be chaired by Councilor Stephanie Martins and co-chaired by Councilor Jimmy Tri Le. Members will be Councilors Richard Dell Isola and McLaughlin.
The Legislative Affairs and Elections Committee will be chaired by DiPierro and co-chaired by DiFlorio. Councilors Fred Capone and Martins will be members.
The Ways & Means Committee will be chaired by Marchese and co-chaired by DiFlorio. Members will be Le and Dell Isola.