The City of Everett has received a $150,000 grant award from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Shared Streets & Spaces quick-launch/quick-build grant program.
The MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces Program is intended to support projects that promote public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce by quickly providing new or repurposed space for socially-distanced walking, bicycling, dining, retail, and bus travel.
The funding will be used for the Everett Bus Lane Project, which will expand Everett’s bus lane network, to create a faster, less crowded commute for essential workers. The new improvements include 24-hour bus lanes around Sweetser Circle, new outbound bus lane on Broadway from Sweetser Circle to Everett Square weekdays (4-7PM), outbound bus lane on Main Street from Sweetser Circle to Oakes/Tileston Street weekdays (4-7PM). The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is also contributing approximately $300,000 to the project.
“We have received positive feedback from our current bus lanes,” Mayor DeMaria said. “This funding allows us to be able to continue to create ways to decrease travel time and create a safer environment for our residents.”
The bus lane project will be fully implemented no later than October 9th, 2020.
The city is also receiving funding and support from the Barr Foundation in coordination with the Institute for Transportation Development Policy to help create a more vibrant, safer Broadway. The new improvements include:
•Mobility Hubs to help residents’ access local businesses, jobs, child care, and grocery stores. These hubs will feature multilingual pedestrian and business signage, real-time shuttle information, bike parking and BlueBikes stations. Glendale Square and Everett Square, as well as Maple Street
•Shared Streets that slow down car traffic to allow kids to play outside while creating safe walking and biking connections to Broadway. The city is also testing new “strategies” to support local restaurants offering outdoor dining. School Street, Cottage Street, Lexington Street and Hosmer St, Coburn Terrace
•Parklets that transform underutilized parking and asphalt space into mini urban oases – with benches and shade – for anyone, especially our seniors, to sit, socialize, and get fresh air. Norwood and Main Streets
•Visual markers at bus stops and on the sidewalk to indicate where people can stand, sit, or walk to maintain safe distances. The city will also be sharing masks, hand sanitizer and transit safety tips.
“I am committed to finding ways to create a safe and more vibrant community for all residents,” Mayor DeMaria said. “Everett is changing in a good way. This project is special because it helps children, families, essential workers and business owners.”