The E Club of Everett has canceled its Annual Scholarship Awards Dinner that was scheduled for May 21 at Spinelli’s, Lynnfield.
Vincent Ragucci Jr., executive director, and Carl Colson, president, sent a letter to ‘E’ Club members this week notifying them of the organization’s decision to cancel in light of the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is suffering because of the pandemic,” the E Club leaders stated in the letter.
The E Club made it clear that the monetary scholarships will be presented at a later date.
Each year, the organization honors Everett High School graduating seniors with scholarship awards at a formal dinner program. Individual Sports and Coaches Awards are also presented.
The evening kicks off with an impressive pre-dinner ceremony in which ‘E’ Club Official Photographer Katy Rogers takes photos of the award recipients, along with formal group photos of ‘E’ Club officers, head table guests, and dignitaries in attendance.
The venerable Ragucci, a past president of the organization, delivers the welcoming remarks and usually includes one of his trademark witticisms in his address.
New date being considered
James Agnetta Jr., treasurer of the E Club, said the officers and governors of the organization came to the decision to cancel the awards dinner at a monthly meeting that was conducted via a conference call.
“We are still going to award the scholarships, but we haven’t determined how we’re going to do that yet or scheduled a new date,” said Agnetta. “If we can do it by the end of June and maybe present the scholarships during a program at Everett Stadium or Everett High School – we’re still discussing various options for the actual awards ceremony. But we are going to get those scholarships to our student-athletes because they deserve it.”
Ragucci further elaborated on the club’s course of action in an interview Tuesday.
“A lot is going to depend on what government officials say,” said Ragucci. “For us to set an actual date, we can’t do it, but we have an obligation as a club to the students of Everett and we fully intend to do whatever we have to do to fulfill that obligation.
Ragucci further stated, “For the safety of the public and integrity of the club, we’re going to do something different this year with our awards ceremony, and that’s what makes us successful – we come up with innovative ways and do what we say we’re going to do. But we will have the same number of scholarships this year. We’re not cutting anything back.”
A proud tradition
Former Everett head football coach, the late Dennis Gildea, founded the ‘E’ Club in 1929. After a hiatus, the club was reformed in 1972. The club annually holds two major dinners in the fall and spring, with upwards of 300 guests in attendance.
The late Larry Vozzella, who served as executive director, kept the organization flourishing for several years under his leadership. At well-attended banquets, Vozzella, attired in the elegant red E Club’ sports jacket, liked to regale guests with the story of how he hit a ball over the Green Monster at Fenway Park during an exhibition game.
Both Ragucci and Colson, in their respective positions, have led the way in maintaining the club’s mission of “preserving and promoting the Everett tradition in sports” and being “a non-profit organization providing scholarship grants for the student-athletes at Everett High School.
In addition to Ragucci, Colson, and Agnetta, the other officers are Armando Leo, vice president, and John Ragucci, secretary. The esteemed Board of Governors are Paul Yahoodik, Paul Lucci, Neil Medugno, Therese Giove, Jerry Navarra, Stanley Chamblain, Joshua DelGaizo, Michelle Fenelon, Dr. John Lynch, Everett High Director of Athletics, Tammy Turner, Brendan Tyman, Francis Tyman, and Katy Rogers. Bishop Robert G. Brown is the club’s Chaplain, carrying on the longtime and distinguished service as Chaplain by the Rev. Tom Coots. Daryl Colson is the coordinator of the club’s website.
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