Working hard for Everett
In rebuttal to the “want to be” candidate from ward 6, I first want to say I wish him good luck and good health.
Regarding his Letter to the Editor in this paper of last week he did himself a dis-service. He stated that he was “the ONLY Ward 6 Councilor candidate that took a leading position on changing Everett in a positive way”. The only true word in that statement is that he is a candidate.
I have been both Alderman and Councilor for the past eight years. I have stood up for all citizens of Everett, seniors, teenagers, parents of young children and “yes”ALSO, WE who want Wynn Everett Resort Development to be in our City. And to ridicule my statement of being a “proven leader in Everett” and refer to me as “some candidates” is childish and nasty.
My record shows I have been involved with the Wynn Project from day one and have been quoted in two Boston newspapers for supporting the casino, and as Alderman and Councilor from ward six, I voted in favor of every proposal and ordinance that came before the Board of both these bodies. I have attended many meetings at City Hall and contributed to the Host agreement and all other matters pertaining to this project.
The first Wynn office and headquarters started in the “Sachetta” building (owned by my nephews) until Wynn bought the land they are now on. The first President of ‘United We Stand’ was my niece Sandra Juliano. My brother Jim Sachetta has been an active member since this all started (and doesn’t gamble), but like my entire family we were all born, educated and love Everett despite the hardships of pollution, sulfur odors and oily greasy swimming as children. We want and know Everett deserves more than what it has had in the last 100 years. That doesn’t mean I have to stand on corners to make Everett better, but my working for all future generations in Everett without promising to give the store away and make false statements of others, is the way I will always operate. Those who need and call me know this to be true.
Councilor Sal Sachetta
Proven Leader of Ward 6