Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Chief of Police Steven A. Mazzie, and Veterans Commissioner Joe Hickey are pleased to announce that on Friday, November 7th at 11AM the Everett Police Department will be dedicating a Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Chair at the Everett Police Department Headquarters. The public is encouraged to attend.
“The chair represents all military members who answered the call to serve our country,” states Chief Mazzie, “These members were counted as missing in action, but who have never been forgotten.”
The chair is funded and provided by the Everett Police Department Patrolman’s Union and the Everett Police Department Superior Officer’s Union. It is only the second P.O.W./M.I.A. chair placed in a municipal police department in the United States.
The Mayor and Chief Mazzie would like to extend a special thanks to Andrew Biggio of the P.O.W. Foundation and Joseph Hickey, City of Everett Department of Veterans Services Director for their work on this project