Benjamin Franklin once advised a friend to buy as much land as possible, “since they are not making any more of it. “ This adage seems especially true in Everett.
Like all urban cities, Everett is constrained for open space and many of the large lots of land that is now coming available have been the sites of former factories where the land is contaminated. For example the site of the proposed Wynn Casino is on brownfield that will cost millions to clean.
Seven Acre Park also falls into this classification.
For more than seven years, this park has been used only for passive use as any active use may be harmful to local athletes who use the field as the dirt and dust might contain toxins.
Technology in dealing with the cleanup of brownfields has improved to a point that officials can now possibly change the use of this park.
There is little doubt that Everett has a shortage of open green space for residents.
We commend Mayor Carlo DeMaria and his staff who have made it a priority for improving many of the local parks and green space. Monday night’s City Council meeting highlighted how factions of residents are now starting to compete for open space whether they be people with dogs or people out for walking exercise or local children looking for a place to burn off some energy.
Seven Acre Park is perhaps the greatest challenge so far for DeMaria. Not only will he have to make sure the brownfield is safe but he also has some wetlands issues to address.
We know that his administration is up to this challenge.
We look forward to the day in the not so distant future that this park can be used safely by all — dog owners who want their pets off leash, seniors out for walking exercise and local athletes in the school system.